How Data-Focused Partnerships Drive Our Offshore Projects
No matter what discipline we support; design, site investigation, UXO consultancy, survey management or construction it is normal for us to ‘find value in data’. This bias is inevitable based on our combined experience at Hydrofix, however, project after project it is evident that the data we scope for acquisition, manage and re-interpret for our clients is key to many stages of the life cycle in Offshore Wind, Cables and Oil & Gas.
To review why we feel this approach is a game-changer:
- Suitability: Our knowledge of the wider project requirements and uses of critical data allows us to carefully consider the optimal survey specifications for the project. Coupled with our passion for advancements in the technology, we can advise clients on cost effective and innovative site investigation options.
- Precision in Data: Hands on engagement means we don't just oversee; we actively participate in every phase of our client's project. This commitment results in a higher quality of data collection. Understanding the technicalities of the investigations and working with your survey contractor enables results that meet the specifications and project requirements precisely.
- Proactive Issue Resolution: Identifying and addressing potential challenges before they become problems is a hallmark of our approach. Our hands-on project support allows us to spot issues in real-time and take proactive steps to resolve them, saving our clients time and money in the future.
- Data-Driven Decisions: Quality data is the backbone of informed decision-making. By understanding (sometimes pre-empting) clients’ needs, we can re-work and present data, providing the insights needed to make strategic choices.
- Long Term Efficiency: Whether an offshore wind development or a cable planning and installation project, efficiency is key. Our ad-hoc support from desk-based feasibility to post construction monitoring has proven to create cost and operational efficiencies, as well as empowering wider engineering decision making.
- Minimised Future Risk: By being meticulous now, we help safeguard your project's smooth operation for years to come. Our commitment to excellence today prevents costly issues tomorrow.
‘Data may not be the backbone of your project, but it is definitely the thread woven through every phase.’
Patrick Clark, Hydrofix Director.

In our opinion a survey shouldn't “start-stop” and this is where we see projects from a different perspective than many. The significant investment, often at risk, in a site investigation or the process of achieving ALARP should not be treated as a stand-alone project, the data should live with the many phases of the project development.
Hydrofix specialist in supporting you and your data throughout the following steps:
- Desk Top Study and feasibility/constraints/area assessment
- Reconnaissance and preliminary design works
- Licensing and permitting
- Detailed investigation, including UXO analysis
- Final design and engineering
- Construction support (site management, vessel assessment, real-time data presentation)
- Hand over to O&M
- Monitoring
- Decommissioning
Our experience around all the above phases has enabled us to understand the wider risks and benefits of the available project data. Providing a relatively minor support across many steps creates consistency, maximises value for money from your multiple investment decisions and reduces project risk through well informed decision making.
Hydrofix are proud to be recognised as niche but critical project partner for major developers across many sectors of the marine industry. Our hands-on approach to projects and data is more than a consultancy service; it's a principle that sets us apart and is the backbone of our operations. When you choose us, you choose an experienced team who are as invested in your project's success as you are.